Professor Ulrich A. Stock MD FRCS


Professor Ulrich A. Stock is a consultant cardiothoracic, MCS & transplant surgeon and the Deputy Director of the Transplant Programme at Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust. He holds a position as an honorary senior researcher at Imperial College London and Magdi Yacoub Institute at Harefield Hospital. In addition he is an associate Professor for Cardiac Surgery at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


Professor Stock graduated as MD following studies at the universities Bonn and Marburg (Germany), as well Innsbruck (Austria) and Zurich (Switzerland). He underwent his clinical training at the university hospitals in Hamburg, Kiel, Hannover and Jena in Germany. He qualified as a cardiac surgeon in 2002 and as cardiovascular intensive care specialist in 2006.

Prior to this, from 1997-2000, he was a research fellow at Harvard University working at the Children’s and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston/USA.

Professor Stock attained his doctorate at the university of Bonn and holds a higher doctorate of medicine from the university of Jena, Tuebingen and Frankfurt (Germany).


Complex cardiac surgery
Minimal invasive coronary artery and valve surgery
Total arterial revascularisation
Aortic surgery (hybrid approach with endovascular surgery)
Critical care
Thoracic organ transplantation
Ventricular assist devices (artificial hearts)
Extra corporal life support

Scientific interest and published work

Professor Stock’s scientific interests are focused on regenerative medicine aspects such as tissue engineering, cryopreservation and ventricular assist devices.

He is the author of more than 120 peer-reviewed papers, reviews and editorials and has contributed a variety of books chapters. Professor Stock is an international lecturer with having delivered more than 300 presentations in over 20 countries.

International reputation

Professor Stock serves as a reviewer for more than 17 international journals and is frequently asked as an expert reviewer for national and international funding societies in the UK (National Heart and Lung Institute, National Blood Authority), Germany and the European Research Council.


The European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
The German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Heart Valve Society
Royal College of Surgeons (England)
Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery (UK)
International Society Heart and Lung Transplantation